Our brief is to create an e-learning environment for key stage 2 learners, from the curriculum.
I have choosen the subject French as i believe it will produce a both visually engaging as well as an interactively stimulating teaching environment.
Here are a few links to subject specific info:
Standards.dcsf French unit 2 (Games and songs)
Online French Resourses
'Chez Mimi' interactive learning by channel4
When i was a child my mum and i always sang the French song Alouette, which translates as skylark, it is about plucking the birds feathers from different parts of the body and taught me in a fun way, this could be incorporated in the flash site i create, which would optimize audio-visually learning subsiquently.
I prefer Allouette as a song as the syllables fit suitably, compared the French translationn of 'Heads, shoulders, knees and toes'. which is rushed and crammed to fit all the letters in!